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Requirements and regulations on packaging for general cargo and dangerous goods and special articles transported by air

Feb,08,2023 << Return list

Requirements and regulations on packaging for general cargo and dangerous goods and special articles transported by air

General requirements

A. Cargo packaging should be strong, intact, in the process of transport to prevent the package breakage, the contents of the leakage, scattered; to prevent damage or deterioration of the goods caused by yardage, friction, shock or due to air pressure, temperature changes; to prevent injury to the operator or pollution of aircraft, ground equipment and other items.

B. In addition to the packaging should be suitable for the nature, state and weight of the goods, but also to facilitate handling, loading and unloading and yarding; packaging outside the surface can not have prominent nails, hooks, thorns, etc.; packaging should be neat, dry, no odor and oil stains.

C. Receiving and transporting goods with limited conditions, such as live animals, fresh and perishable goods, dangerous goods, etc., their packaging should comply with the requirements and provisions of this manual.

D. The padding materials inside the package (such as wood chips and paper chips) should not leak out.

E. Except for the goods packed in paper bags (such as documents, information, etc.), consignments should be tied with packing tape. It is strictly forbidden to use straw bag packaging or straw rope to tie the goods.

F. The packaging tape used to tie the goods should be able to withstand the full weight of the goods, and to ensure that the handling of the goods will not break.

G. If the packaging of the goods does not meet the relevant provisions of this manual, the shipper should be required to improve or repackage the goods before acceptance for shipment.

Air cargo packaging regulations

Special packaging requirements for some cargoes

A. Liquid cargo

The container must be left with a 5-10% gap inside, and the cover must be tightly sealed; no overflow. Liquid in glass containers, the capacity of each container shall not exceed 500 ml. The gross weight of a single piece of cargo should not exceed 25 kg. The box should be filled with padding and adsorbent materials to prevent shaking or liquid seepage.

B. Powdered goods

Bagged, the outermost layer should use plastic coated textile bags as the outer packaging to ensure that the powder does not leak out, the gross weight of a single piece of goods shall not exceed 50 kg; with hard paper barrels, wooden barrels, plywood barrels, the requirements of the barrel body is not broken, tight seams, barrel lid sealing, barrel hoops strong and sturdy; with glassware, the weight of the contents of each bottle shall not exceed 1 kg. With iron or wooden materials for the outer packaging, the box is filled with padding material. The gross weight of a single piece of goods to not more than 25 kg is appropriate.

C. Precise and fragile, brittle and fragile goods

The gross weight of a single piece of goods to not more than 25 kg is appropriate, the following methods of packaging can be used.

(1) multi-level packaging: that is, the goods - padding materials - inner packaging - padding materials - transport packaging (outer packaging).

(2) suspended packaging: that is, with a few springs or ropes, from the box in all directions to suspend the goods in the middle of the box.

(3) anti-inversion packaging: that is, the chassis has a large portable handle ring or ridge-type box cover packaging; should not be placed flat glass panels, windshields, etc. must use such packaging.

(4) the packaging of glassware: should use sufficient thickness of foam and other cushioning materials wrapped tightly, plus a strong corrugated cardboard box or wooden box, the contents of the box shall not shake.

Naked goods, goods that are not afraid to touch the pressure

Can be packaged without, such as tires; not easy to count the number of pieces, irregular shape, shape and transport equipment similar or easy to damage the aircraft cargo, should use rope, linen wrapping or additional packaging.


Large cargo

The volume or weight of the cargo should have a pillow or bottom bracket at the bottom to facilitate forklift operation.

Dangerous goods

It must be ensured that the consigned dangerous goods and substances have been properly and fully packed in accordance with the requirements of IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, and obtain the "Outbound Dangerous Goods Transport Package Use Identification Result Sheet" from the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China. For details, please refer to the Dangerous Goods Transport Manual.

Part of the packaging type regulations

A. Carton. Should be able to withstand the total weight of similar packaging goods yard high 3 meters or 4 layers. 

B. Wooden box. Thickness and structure to suit the needs of safe transport of goods; containing valuable items, precision instruments, fragile items of wooden boxes, shall not have corrosion insects, cracks and other defects.

C. Article baskets, bamboo basket. The preparation of tight, neat, firm, not break the strip, not phi strip, appearance size to not more than 50 × 50 × 60 cm appropriate, the gross weight of a single piece to not more than 40 kg appropriate, the contents of the goods and padding materials shall not leak out. Should be able to withstand the total weight of similar goods yard 3 layers high.

D. Iron barrel. The thickness of the iron should correspond to the weight of the goods inside. A single piece of gross weight 25-100 kg of small and medium-sized iron barrels, should use 0.6-1.0 mm of iron production, a single piece of gross weight in 101-180 kg of large iron barrels, should use 1.25-1.5 mm of iron production.

Note: Aquatic products packaging requirements.

1, properly packaged, correctly labeled, the packaging should not leak, drip, seepage and emit bad odor, to ensure that the transport process will not damage the baggage, mail, cargo and aircraft body, equipment.

2, has a certain compressive strength, can withstand changes in temperature and air pressure during transport, will not be damaged.

3, the mass of each piece of aquatic products transport packaging pieces should not exceed 30 kg. 

4, ice should be at least two layers of polyethylene plastic bags packaging. Where multiple polyethylene plastic bags are used, polyethylene plastic bags should be sealed separately 

5、Overload requirements

Seafood packing box single piece flat should be able to withstand the weight of the same piece of packing box 5 pieces, no deformation of the corners of the packing box, extrusion or seepage phenomenon.