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How much error range between declared weight and actual weight will not be punished by customs

Feb,15,2023 << Return list

Within what range of error between declared weight and actual weight is allowed?

Some customs clearance students mentioned the above question: What will happen if there is a discrepancy between the declared weight and the actual weight, which is detected by customs? Is it allowed to have a certain amount of error? In what range is it permissible?

First of all, the most direct factor affecting the weight of the goods is the difference in the number of shipments. With this question, Xiao Er Jun also tried to search the General Administration website, found that there are relevant explanations. Don't say, the General Administration of Customs website is really a treasure, although many uncommon features and content is hidden slightly deep, but very practical ah.

Inquiry portal: General Administration of Customs website - interactive - business consulting

How to deal with the discrepancy between the declared weight and the actual weight?

From the official answer we can understand three information.

Truthful declaration, which is the main premise.

Everyone's initial intention is to report truthfully, but still accidentally fill in the wrong, then non-malicious misstatement, you can apply for the repair of the withdrawal of the customs declaration.

Customs reserves the responsibility to pursue the declaration does not match.

Is not satisfied with this generic answer? Is there a clearer explanation of the enforcement provisions? Of course there is, and the answer lies in the 2018 version of the "Measures for the Administration of Taxation of Import and Export Goods by the Customs of the People's Republic of China".

Article 25

Bulk import and export goods with overflow short loading shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions.

(A) overflow loading quantity within 3% of the contract or invoice stated quantity, or short loading, the Customs shall, according to the audited unit price of goods, calculate the tax in accordance with the contract or invoice stated quantity.

(B) the number of overload exceeds 3% of the contract, the invoice indicates the number, the Customs shall, according to the audited unit price of goods, in accordance with the actual import and export quantity of taxes.

Article 62

Import and export goods in bulk and has been taxed and released, if the consignor of the goods, the carrier or insurance company has been the short part of the refund or compensation for the corresponding goods, the tax payer from the date of payment of taxes within one year, you can apply to the Customs to refund the import or export of the short part of the corresponding tax. The tax payer shall submit the following materials when applying to the Customs for tax refund.

(A) "Application for Tax Refund".

(B) the relevant test certificate issued by a qualified commodity inspection agency.

(C) has been refunded or compensated for the documentary proof.

Management measures written here is the bulk import and export goods, Xiao Erjun consulted some customs brokers in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other customs areas, and learned that the customs enforcement for such cases is generally allowed to vary within 3% to 5% of the total weight of the goods (the goal is to converge to 0 difference). However, it also depends on the cargo situation, some goods are very light and may be a little difference in weight will lead to exceed this permissible range.